Theoretical study of antiparasite products dispersion in closed systems baths used by salmon industry in Chile

Alejandro León, Hugo Robotham, Juan-Carlos Quintanilla, Sergio Contreras-Lynch

Submited: 2015-01-13 17:19:57 | Published: 2017-03-08 13:18:06



A theoretical model was developed to study the dispersion of fluids in the sanitary bath procedures, currently used by the salmon industry. The model uses a cellular automaton with the Boltzmann’s networks method, widely used for simulation of fluids. The study simulates the incorporation of the anti-parasite active ingredient in a volume of water and its subsequent dispersion in the environment. The results show that the sanitary bath procedure is efficient for some special configurations of bath implementation, achieving higher coverage of 75% biomass. For the range of values used in the model, the analysis of sensibility show that the densities of fishes, the diameters of the hose drilling, the size of the cage and the distance between drilling, are not determinant in the efficiency and effectiveness of the system for the distribution of the product. Instead, the power pumps, the shape and the ratio aspect of the cage and arrangement of the hoses, itself do influence on coverage. Finally the results of our simulations scattering outside the cage, shown that the active ingredient would be undetectable between 30 and 90 m of the location of the cage in the current flow direction, few seconds after removing the canvas.

León A, Robotham H, Quintanilla J, Contreras-Lynch S. Theoretical study of antiparasite products dispersion in closed systems baths used by salmon industry in Chile. Lat. Am. J. Aquat. Res.. 2017;45(1): 55-66. Available from: doi:10.3856/vol45-issue1-fulltext-6 [Accessed 22 Oct. 2024].
León, A., Robotham, H., Quintanilla, J., & Contreras-Lynch, S. (2017). Theoretical study of antiparasite products dispersion in closed systems baths used by salmon industry in Chile. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 45(1), 55-66. doi: