
Issue Title
Vol 48, No 1 (2020) Trophic ecology of hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) in Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica: integrating esophageal lavage and stable isotope (δ13C, δ15N) analysis Abstract  PDF
Estefania Méndez-Salgado, Didiher Chacón-Chaverri, Luis G. Fonseca, Jeffrey A. Seminoff
Vol 45, No 3 (2017) Distribution, size range and growth rates of hawksbill turtles at a major foraging ground in the eastern Pacific Ocean Abstract  PDF
Israel Llamas, Eric E. Flores, Marino E. Abrego, Jeffrey A. Seminoff, Catherine E. Hart, Rodrigo Donadi, Bernardo Peña, Gerardo Alvarez, Wilfredo Poveda, Diego F. Amorocho, Alexander Gaos
Vol 51, No 1 (2023) Preliminary analysis of microplastics from the main continental nesting beach of the hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) in Venezuela Abstract  PDF
Clemente Balladares, Ivis Fermín, Edgar García, Juan Carlos Amilibia, Diego Rodríguez
Vol 48, No 5 (2020) A matrix population model for the hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) in the Gulf of Paria, Venezuela Abstract  PDF
Clemente Balladares, María Fernanda Gonzalez, Diego Rodriguez
Vol 43, No 4 (2015) Analysis of marine turtle strandings (Reptilia: Testudine) occurring on coast of Bahia State, Brazil Abstract  PDF
Aline Lopes-Souza, Alexandre Schiavetti, Martín Roberto Álvarez
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