
Issue Title
Vol 45, No 5 (2017) A suitable ichthyometer for systemic application Abstract  PDF
Carlos Lezama-Cervantes, Enrique Godínez-Domínguez, Helena Gómez-Morales, Ricardo Ornelas-Lugo, Alejandro Rafael Morales-Blake, Manuel Patiño-Barragán, Adrián Tintos-Gómez
Vol 40, No 2 (2012) Population structure and sexual maturity of the calico box crab Hepatus epheliticus Linnaeus (Brachyura, Hepatidae) from Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico Abstract  PDF
Patricio Hernáez, Artur Rombenso, Marcelo A.A. Pinheiro, Nuno Simões
Vol 43, No 5 (2015) Biometric sexual and ontogenetic dimorphism on the marine catfish Genidens genidens (Siluriformes, Ariidae) in a tropical estuary Abstract  PDF
Larissa G. Paiva, Luana Prestrelo, Kiani M. Sant'Anna, Marcelo Vianna
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