
Issue Title
Vol 50, No 1 (2022) Effect of the shrimp farming wastes as co-feed on growth performance and digestibility of juvenile grey mullet, Mugil cephalus Abstract  PDF
Jorge Madrid, Zohar Ibarra-Zatarain, Jorge E. Viera-Pérez, Abelardo Campos-Espinoza, Emilio Peña-Messina
Vol 49, No 4 (2021) Histological structure of the digestive tract and digestive enzymatic activity of juvenile Pacific seahorse (Hippocampus ingens) Abstract  PDF
Daniela Corona-Rojas, Renato Peña, Carmen Rodríguez-Jaramillo, Dariel Tovar-Ramírez, Patricia Hinojosa-Baltazar
Vol 47, No 5 (2019) Effects of pH and ionic strength on the protease activity of gastric extracts from the Coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch Abstract  PDF
Lorenzo Márquez, Adrián J. Hernández, Edison S.M. Carvalho, Gabriel A. Morales, Patricio Dantagnan, Manuel Díaz, Francisco J. Moyano
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