
Issue Title
Vol 45, No 2 (2017) Effect of light intensity and photoperiod on growth and survival of the Mexican cichlid, Cichlasoma beani in culture conditions Abstract  PDF
Edgar A. Aragón-Flores, Leonardo Martínez-Cárdenas, Crisantema Hernández-González, Guillermo Barba-Quintero, Oscar I. Zavala-Leal, Javier M. Ruiz-Velazco, Oscar U. Hernández-Almeida, Porfirio Juárez-López
Vol 49, No 3 (2021) The culture potential and management problems of freshwater prawns (Macrobrachium americanum and Macrobrachium tenellum) in their native areas: the case for Mexico Abstract  PDF
Rodolfo de los Santos Romero, Fernando Vega-Villasante, Edilmar Cortes-Jacinto, Marcelo García-Guerrero
Vol 50, No 2 (2022) Morphological variations of southern white shrimp Penaeus schmitti (Burkenroad, 1936) (Crustacea: Dendrobranchiata: Penaeidae) in natural populations of Cuba and Brazil Abstract  PDF
Rafael Fernández de Alaiza, Ubiratã de A.T. da Silva, Silvio Peixoto, Cecilia Craveiro, Caio Henrique do Nascimento Ferreira, Eduardo L.C. Ballester
Vol 48, No 2 (2020) North Atlantic white shrimp Litopenaeus setiferus (Decapoda: Penaeidae) as an aquaculture target species for farming: a review Abstract  PDF
Manuel Valenzuela-Jiménez, Claudia Durruty-Lagunes, Gerard Cuzon, Wilson Wasielesky Jr., Gabriela Gaxiola
Vol 49, No 4 (2021) Lysine effect on the characterization of fillet, by-products, residues, and morphometry of tambaqui Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818) Abstract  PDF
Ariany Rabello da Silva Liebl, Marcelo dos Santos Nascimento, Paulo Henrique Rocha Aride, Jackson Pantoja-Lima, Márcia Regina Fragoso Machado Bussons, Wilson Massamitu Furuya, Adriano Teixeira de Oliveira
Vol 41, No 4 (2013) The Macrobrachium prawns with economic and fisheries importance in Latin America: present knowledge, ecological role, and conservation Abstract  PDF (Español (España))
Marcelo U. García-Guerrero, Felipe Becerril-Morales, Fernando Vega-Villasante, Luis Daniel Espinosa-Chaurand
Vol 51, No 4 (2023) Contribution to some aspects of the digestive tract anatomy and food evacuation of the Pacific fat sleeper Dormitator latrifrons Abstract  PDF
Martín A. Aréchiga-Palomera, Héctor Nolasco-Soria, Olimpia Carrillo-Farnés, Karen N. Nieves-Rodríguez, Fernando Vega-Villasante
Vol 43, No 4 (2015) Research on the river shrimps of the genus Macrobrachium (Bate, 1868) (Decapoda: Caridea: Palaemonidae) with known or potential economic importance: strengths and weaknesses shown through scientometrics Abstract  PDF
Olimpia Chong-Carrillo, Fernando Vega-Villasante, Ricardo Arencibia-Jorge, Shehu L. Akintola, Layla Michán-Aguirre, Fabio G. Cupul-Magaña
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